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Jim Connolly
Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 16, 2021
Last seen: May 7, 2021
Topics: 2 / Replies: 19
RE: Summing Up

@kyleroberts6 Thanks, Kyle. I think there's enough interest in continuing the conversation (over Zoom or F2F) about how to build such an open data ...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 2 Discussion

@mikesanders I'm not sure if this directly answers your question, but one advantage of digital humanities work is that almost all of the work you pr...

3 years ago
RE: Summing Up

A couple of follow-up notes: We will plan to leave the site up and open for comments for a few more days so the conversations that are ongoing don't...

3 years ago
RE: Summing Up

@marktowsey et al. Thanks to all of you. I am quite grateful at the enthusiasm you’ve shown for Like others, I’ve had to duck out, so to speak, and...

3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 281
RE: Panel 1 Discussion

@douglasknox Thanks Doug, for a very helpful comment that will inform our thinking about next steps for our work in developing WMR. I remember ...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 5 Discussion

@clt Lynne makes good points about the nature of the occupational data we have in WMR. There are a number of complicating factors in inferring from...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 5 Discussion

@douglasknox I can't resist a quick reply to your comment about how Dunbar might have been read in 1890s Muncie. An 1898 meeting of the Woman's Clu...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 4 Discussion

@jbpierce I find myself interested in the challenges related to constructing your queries. The appendix of your book lists search terms, many w...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 4 Discussion

@brookshefner and ed timke: From your presentation it appears that you have some evidence of state by state/regional circulation. Elsewhere in the ...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 3 Discussion

@melaniewalsh Related to your last question, in Mark Towsey's Keynote, he describes circulation records as a tool for filling in the wider landscape...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 2 Discussion

@mikesanders I have thoughts on all three of your preceding questions. On preservation, our university archives now uses a web archiving tool (Arch...

3 years ago
RE: Kicking things off...

And to quickly piggy-back of Doug's point, I'm interest in more general lessons about crowdsourcing that Edmund and Shaf have learned from RED and are...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 2 Discussion

@steve_pentecost Ditto on Steve's point and question. There's also a sense of being trapped by the sense of obligation to maintain these resuorces,...

3 years ago
RE: Panel 1 Discussion

@kyleroberts6 The point Kyle raises is a key one for us too. Totally agree on the open data point. I've come around to the idea that an accessible...

3 years ago
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